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Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate trials

Many people studying in a library
Article Date
January 15, 2020

The Library has a trial for the Academic Search Ultimate and Business Source Ultimate databases, each of which is a top of the line database. See here for information about Academic Search Ultimate and this link for information about Business Source Ultimate.

The trial will last until February 12, 2020.

To access:

  1. They have been integrated into our Discovery search so search results there will include content from them.
  2. Near the top of our Library website is a callout for Trial Databases and a link will be there for these trials.
  3. For these databases specifically, directly through these links: 
    1. Academic Search Ultimate:,shib&custid=s8692456&db=asn&site=ehost-live
    2. Business Source Ultimate:,shib&custid=s8692456&db=bsu&site=ehost-live

We would love your feedback.

Let us know if you have any questions; we are here to serve.