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Christian Ethics


Welcome to the Research Guide for Christian Ethics. This guide is organized in the following manner:

  • Research Starters
  • Books
  • Databases
  • Websites


Use our Discovery search above to search our physical collection and most of our digital resources. The remaining digital resources can be accessed for searching using the links on our databases list.

Suggested Research Starters

These are general encyclopedias designed to give an overview of the subject.  Not all have a Biblical worldview.


Books can provide a rich source of information. The books suggested here represent a selection of general works on topics related to this subject. Not all necessarily hold to a view of Scripture or a doctrinal position similar to Carolina University.  

If a book is only available in a physical format but you are at a distance from the University, please refer to our shipping and scanning services.

If we do not have a book you are seeking, please consider requesting it through Interlibrary Loan or borrowing it at a nearby library through a Reciprocal Borrowing Program

Suggested Books


Many databases provide access to journal articles. They are searchable by subject, author, or keyword.  If you want to search just a specific database, use our Databases directory.

The use of Boolean operators can narrow or expand your search. This option is often found by clicking on Advanced Search in a database's searching interface.

AND – requires the source to have all the search terms – it will limit your search

OR  - allows the source to have either of the search terms – it will expand your search

NOT – eliminates some search terms from your search – it, too, will limit your search

Truncation is another helpful strategy. In truncation, one types a portion of a search term and then follows with an asterisk. This also helps broaden the search.


Websites can be a source of useful information but must be used judiciously. The C.R.A.A.P. Test is a guide for evaluating websites.

Another source for Website evaluation: Harris, Robert. "Evaluating Internet Research Sources." VirtualSalt. 21 January 2015, Accessed February 8, 2019.