The following databases have been added this month to the Library's Discovery search. Our Discovery search does not have the full-text of the items in these databases, only the item information, so their content will appear in search results if the "Online Full Text or in Physical Collection" limiter in Discovery is unchecked. Interlibrary-loan can be easily requested for specific items then that you need so that the Library can attempt to supply it to you.
"Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts combines visual inspiration with practical advice on everything from idea generation and research techniques to portfolio development – making this the ultimate guide to a visual arts education. All users may search the Bloomsbury Applied Visual Arts metadata in EDS, but only subscribers have full access to the content on the Bloomsbury platform." (EBSCO)
"Published by Gale Cengage Learning, LitFinder provides access to literary works and authors throughout history and includes poems, poetry citations, short stories, speeches, plays and more. All EDS customers may search Gale Cengage Learning content in EDS, but only subscribers may view the full text on the Gale Cengage Learning platform." (EBSCO)
"Created by Nucleus Medical Art, The Scientific & Medical ART Imagebase contains a growing collection of high-quality illustrations and animations depicting anatomy, physiology, surgery, pathology, diseases, conditions, trauma, embryology, histology and other medical topics. All users can search the SMART Imagebase metadata in EDS, but only subscribers can view the full content on SMART Imagebase platform." (EBSCO)
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