Article Date
November 1, 2019
The following databases have been added these last few months to the Library's Discovery search. Our Discovery search does not have the full-text of the items in these databases, only the item information, so their content will appear in search results if the "Online Full Text or in Physical Collection" limiter in Discovery is unchecked. Interlibrary-loan can be easily requested for specific items that you need so that the Library can attempt to supply it to you.
- "The University of Michigan Press eBook Collection is a comprehensive collection of scholarly e-books in the areas of performing arts, classical studies, political science, American studies and Asian and African studies. All EDS customers can search the metadata, but only subscribers have access to the full content on UMP's publishing platform, Fulcrum." (EBSCO)
- "An indispensable resource for undergraduate and graduate students, lecturers and researchers, Wiley Online Reference Works are written and edited by some of the world's leading experts including Nobel Laureates, society chairs and award-winning authors. All EDS customers may search Wiley Online Reference Works content in EDS, but only subscribers may view the full text on the Wiley platform." (EBSCO)
- "The United Nations iLibrary is a comprehensive global search destination for seamlessly accessing publications, journals, data and series published by the United Nations Secretariat and its funds and programs. All EDS customers can search the metadata, but only subscribers have full access to records on the United Nations iLibrary platform." (EBSCO)
- "A service of the American Anthropological Association that offers members and subscribing libraries access to full-text scientific research information across the field of anthropology. All EDS customers may search AnthroSource content in EDS, but only subscribers may view the full text on the AnthroSource platform." (EBSCO)
- "A&AePortal provides an innovative digital environment to discover and interact with important art and architectural history scholarship. All EDS customers may search the metadata, but only subscribers have access to the full text on the A&AePortal platform." (EBSCO)
- "GeoScienceWorld is a nonprofit collaborative and comprehensive resource for research and communications in the earth sciences. All EDS customers may search the metadata, but only subscribers have access to the full text on the GeoScienceWorld platform." (EBSCO)
Let us know if you have any questions; we are here to serve.