This guide highlights some of the top journals and databases for research in education. This is not an exhaustive guide to every education resource in the Manuel Library’s collection, but is designed to provide starting points for finding resources in education.
If you have suggestions for this guide or questions about library resources, email us at
Library Subscriptions
The Manuel Library subscribes to a number of databases that include top journals in the field of education. The links below will direct you to a page where you can browse the journal, and the dates indicate the years that we have full-text articles available. The journals are all indexed up to the present, so articles from outside the full-text range can easily be requested and received through Interlibrary Loan.
The following list is a small sample of the journal titles that are available to you through the Manuel Library:
American Journal of Education, 1996-present (Full Text Delay: 1 Year)
Community Literacy Journal, 2009-present
Education, 1969-present
Educational Research Quarterly, 1997-present
Educational Theory, 1996-present (Full Text Delay: 1 Year)
English Journal, 1958-present
Exceptional Children, 1951-present
International Journal of Education Policy and Leadership, 2009-present
Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 2017-present
Journal of Developmental Education, 1996-present
Language Arts, 1980-present
Phi Delta Kappan, 1994-present
Phi Delta Kappan, 1916-2018
Reading Research Quarterly, 1994-present
Teaching Exceptional Children, 1998-present
- Voices from the Middle, 2016-present
Find more journal titles, including over 6,000 on the subject of education, by browsing or searching the library's Publication Finder.
Open Access Journals
Open Access resources are open to everyone and can easily be accessed online through the journal or publisher website.
The following list is a sample of high quality Open Access sources related to education:
Find more Open Access journals and articles through the Directory of Open Access Journals.
Suggested Databases
The Manuel Library subscribes to lots of databases across all disciplines that can be useful for all types of research. Sometimes, however, searching discipline-specific databases can yield more manageable and relevant results.
The following databases are good starting points for research in education:
- Academic Search Ultimate
- Education Source
- ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)
- Teacher Reference Center