Many of our resources are now available through Google Scholar! For instance, the following databases are among those that will now be linked from Google Scholar searches: Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete, Education Source, and ATLA Religion.
Nevertheless, at this time there are still millions of resources that would show in search results in our Library Discovery search that will not be available through Google Scholar. Included in these millions not in Google Scholar is our entire campus collection of physical books and eBooks.
So it is still recommended that you search our Discovery search over searching Google Scholar. With Discovery search, you will also get the added features of citations, folders, etc. that you may not on Google Scholar.
Below are the steps explaining how to connect Google Scholar to our resources. Let us know if you have any questions. We are here to serve!
Go to scholar.google.com.
Go to the Settings. This will probably require clicking on the ‘hamburger’ menu (
) or something similar on Google Scholar.
Go to the “Library links” setting page.
If you do not see Piedmont International University selected on the Library links page, then search “Piedmont International University” in the search bar on the Library links page.
Select the checkbox for “Piedmont International University” on the Library links page. Until you clear the cache/cookies on your device, this setting should remain selected, but it may be wise to check occasionally.
Click the “Save” button.
Now, when you do a search, search results that Google Scholar knows are available in our collections will have a “Full Text @ PIU Library” link to the right of the search result. A search example that you could test is “Luther discovers the gospel: coming to the truth and confessing the truth”.